I love the internet, use the internet, shop the internet, and now I find myself browsing for the best prices on the internet. It is amazing how I can go to ten different websites and get 10 different costs on the exact same item and even the same brand. I spent hours last night until I figured out what I wanted and what I needed to buy.
I am happy where I, as a consumer, can get online and find precisely what I want and get what I need without leaving my house in the hot, Texas summer.
However, I am a little surprised with many of the cheesy and ugly wedding necessities people try to pawn off on brides. And if one isn't interested in frumpy lace, feminine hearts, or trendy polka dots, one had better be ready to pull out their fat pocketbooks to buy the ONE hip, elegant, attractive item ONE company offers. Weddings are brutal.
After a lengthy time staring at a computer screen, donning my carpal tunnel shield, I found a few buys that I am happy to have purchased.
The Beverly Clark Manhattan Collection pictured above at http://magicalday.com/ was the first thing I bought. Honestly, I am not sure about the flutes or the cutting pieces, but I can always use those as a gift for someone later. If there is a better set of wedding items, I couldn't find them and I tried.
The beautiful Interfaith Ketubah (Jewish wedding contract) from the http://ketubahstore.com/ was the least expensive I could find on the internet. And I love the artist Nava Shalom. I have seen her ketubahs sell for a lot more. The best Ketubah spot online!

I am still hunting for unity candles, still looking at registering, and still eying the debit card wondering what else do I need to purchase. Ahh, yes, I still need to find the perfect pair of shoes, but that is not a task for the world wide web. No, shoe shopping might take the full nine months until our wedding date. At the very least it will take several leisurely afternoons of sultry saunters and sighs. Until I can actually get to Neiman Marcus, it won't hurt to browse.
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